Sunday School for children is located on the 3rd Floor (Top Floor) in the LM Building. The LM (Leisure Ministries) Building is located behind the main sanctuary. If using the elevator, select (1) to go to the TOP FLOOR of the LM Building.
Children are such an important part of the life of our church! We have a variety of opportunities for children and families to come together in worship, education and faith formation, mission, and fellowship.
Our goal is to help our very youngest members grow in faith and discipleship for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please contact Ashlea Cox with any questions or concerns!
Nursery care is available for children 6 weeks through 4 years old on Sunday mornings. Nursery care is available during all worship services and Sunday School times. Children under 2 are invited to stay in MB 19 and 2 years through 4 years in MB 12. These rooms are on the bottom floor of the main building.
Our nursery is staffed by our trained nursery workers and assistants. A member of our nursery team will greet you and your child to check them in and gather any important information including allergies and feeding schedules. Please let them know of any special needs your child may have so we can do our best to accommodate them. We provide cheerios and water if a snack is needed. If your child is potty training or potty trained, please be sure to bring a change of clothes, just in case.
The nursery is available at the 8:45 AM Service, Sunday School hour, and 11:00 AM Service!
Following the Children’s Moment in “Big Church," 4k-1st Grade are invited to join Adult Volunteers in LM Room 306.
Sign up here to assist with Little Church on Sunday mornings!
Sunday Mornings: 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 AM
Wednesday Nights: 6:15-7:15 PM
In the Children’s Sunday School and Wednesday nights, we use a curriculum called Think Orange. We use their First Look curriculum for our 4s and Kindergarteners and 252 Kids for 1st-5th Grade. You can find out more about Orange here!
The name has to do with something you learned in kindergarten: Orange is what you get when you combine red with yellow. When you paint with red, you get only what red can do. When you paint with yellow, you get what only yellow can do. When you paint with orange, you get new possibilities and vibrant outcomes. We want parents to know when they connect to a wider community, they have a greater impact in the life of a child than they could ever have alone. This curriculum allows us to work together as church volunteers, parents, and family members to help our children to make wise choices, build strong relationships and develop a deeper faith with Jesus Christ. Orange provides us tools to make life easier and a strategy for both church AND home to give kids a faith that will last forever, and make church a place they want to be.
Sign up here to teach or assist with Sunday School!
Sign up here to teach or assist with Wednesday Nights (Discipleship Junior)!
Children's Choirs give our young participants an opportunity to worship, sing, and make new friends.
Rehearsal Information and Locations:
Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Jubilation Choir (2nd-5th grade) - Room 110
Good News Choir (5K-1st grade) - Parlor
Cherub Choir (4K) - Room 112
Contact with any questions.
Ministries are supported by tithes, offerings, and service of the Trenholm Road United Methodist Church congregation and supplemented by the TRUMC Foundation. To learn more about the TRUMC Foundation and how it supports the various ministries of the Trenholm Road United Methodist faith community, click here. To read our blog with the latest missions and activities of the TRUMC Foundation, click here.