Children and Family Ministry
Serve Your Church…. By Helping the Children and Family Ministry
Specific areas in which your help is needed:
- Lead or Assist with Little Church (Sunday mornings)
- Lead or Assist with Sunday School (Sunday mornings)
- Lead or Assist with Discipleship, Jr. (Wednesday evenings)
- Be a Sunday morning nursery volunteer
- Assist with “Welcome Home Baby” Ministry
- Teach Bible lesson to TRUMPS Afterschool Program
- Lead Chapel for TRUMPS (Wednesday mornings)
- Help plan & coordinate family events
- Help set up / clean up family events
- Coordinate youth basketball (October – February)
- Coach youth basketball (October – February)
- Assist coaches with youth basketball teams (October – February)
Children’s Ministry Leaders
Help keep our children ministries thriving by serving in one or more of these areas. Whether you enjoy working with children or have great “behind the scene” skills, the children of this congregation need your help! How are you impacting the future of Trenholm Road United Methodist Church?!
Children’s Core Committee Chair Meredith Gvozdas -
Nursery Samara Collins -
New Baby Ministry Rebecca Goings -
Coordinates 6 weeks of meals (two per week) for families with a new baby as well as delivering the altar rose and baby Bible to new. Serve this ministry through prayer for new and expectant parents as well as signing up to provide meals and/or make deliveries to these families.
Sunday School Marnie Hudson -
Sign up to serve: scroll down and select “Click here to serve in Sunday School.”
Little Church Cristy Marshall -
Sign up to serve: scroll down and select “Click here to serve at Little Church.”
Discipleship Junior Laura Bundrick -
Sign up to serve: scroll down and select “Click here to serve at Discipleship Junior.”
Children’s Choir Meredith Trobaugh -
Children’s and Family Events Cindy Cameron -
Children’s and Youth Basketball Andy & Liz Hedgepath -
Vacation Bible School Jennifer Soellner & Holly Winters &