EPWORTH IS OUR MINISTRY! Where do children go when DSS has taken them from their families because of abuse or neglect? Epworth is currently serving 354 children and families through their Residential and Independent Living programs, statewide Foster Care program, the Epworth Center for Counseling, the Early Intervention Center, and prevention services. Each of these children have found refuge in the ministry we share as United Methodists in SC. Epworth Children’s Home has been welcoming children in Christ’s name for 126 years through the generous support of churches like ours! We will participate in the annual Work Day Offering on Sunday, September 11 th, to benefit the children who are served by Epworth. Please be in prayerful consideration of what God is calling you to give to this valuable and life changing ministry. For more information about Epworth Children’s Home, visit www.epworthchildrenshome.org or find them on social media.