Dear Fellow TRUMC Members,

 As 2023 comes to a close, our church is alive with exciting opportunities to share your faith, and to strengthen your own sense of well-being. Thank you for your financial support of our church. Stewardship is the act of giving joyfully back to God a portion of what He has given us and is just one of the many spiritual disciplines that enhance our lives as Christians.

This year, we added new programs on Sundays and during the week. We welcomed Mollie Reddic back as our Associate Pastor. We are expanding the reach of our missions. We've touched the lives of a growing group of children and youth. We just completed a successful Missions and Ministry event in early September that celebrated the many ways we serve our church together. Gifted clergy and staff along with committed laity continue to form the body of Christ at TRUMC into a powerful force for witnessing God's love, compassion and healing in our community.

On behalf of the Finance Committee, we thank you for being a part of the TRUMC family and for your support of our ministry and mission by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness

We ask that you consider increasing your gifts this year. It can be through increased pledges, through ad hoc giving on Sundays or increased gifts to specific programs that may call for your support during the year.

Please fill out the 2024 Stewardship Form below.

Dave Mackey

Finance Committee


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